Saturday, October 29, 2011

Don't Even Give Me That Look!

Today's cartoon does not really have to do with mother in laws however it sparked something in me. I cannot stand it when I say I am a stay at home mom or a housewife and people give me almost a sympathetic look as if to say, "It's okay, it is hard to find a job right now." Or they look at me with disgust as if they think I am completely lazy. Excuse me, you are working an 8 hour shift that you can clock out of and take ten minute breaks and a nice little lunch break. I am working a 24 hour shift with no scheduled breaks. I don't get to clock out of my job. As my grandmother always told me," A woman's work is never done".  In a way this cartoon does have something to do with my mother in law, because she has implied several times that she thinks I'm lazy and don't do anything but sit (oh how I wish just for a couple hours) while her son works so hard for us. Yes, it is true I stayed home with our child for 7 months while he worked an 8 hour shift overnight. However I did all the cooking, cleaning, taking trash out, playing with our daughter, changing her every diaper, taking her to the emergency room, teaching our daughter new words etc. The simple break down is I was a mother and a wife-a full time job! I would not complain except his mom made such a stink about me being so lazy yet I did EVERYTHING when it came to the home, and as soon as my husband clocked out at work he would say that he was tired and not to be bothered. If I asked him to take the trash out or wash a few dishes or even rinse his dishes off for Pete's sake so that they would be easier for me to wash later, his answer was "I already worked today I am done". Let me also state that when we first got married and I was pregnant I worked part time while he sat at home playing video games all day and I still managed to work and take care of everything having to do with our home. Then the baby came, and after two months I returned to work. Again I when I got off work I would come home and take care of everything that needed done at home-which was now a mountain of stuff with the baby. So exhausted from work, I came home tackled dishes, took care of my daughter tried to make dinner while my husband sat and played video games because he took care of her while I was at work so now he was done for the day. So whenever his mother implies I am lazy and don't do anything I just want scream at her! When you compare her to me I would have to say that she is the lazy one. She couldn't even be bothered to teach her son simple manners and how to act as an adult or as a husband/father. That is extreme laziness. When you are shaping and molding a child and young person into who they will become you don't get to skip a few steps. You see it through and make sure you give them everything you have to offer knowledge wise and if you don't know that much-you learn for yourself what needs to be taught! I am tired, stressed, mentally overworked and mentally stretched thin, but I am not lazy. My husband is so lazy that instead of opening a can of soup and pouring it into a pot and heating it, he will just call his mom to bring him fast food or something when he is hungry. Yes, I do normally cook for him however I am never thanked. When I was growing up my parents alternated who did the cooking often based on who was working. One thing I remember very clearly is that when we all sat down to dinner we ALL thanked the person who made the meal. So because I am never thanked have very little help in return sometimes when my husband says "I'm hungry" (translation- make me something to eat) I just say well there is soup in the cupboards and bread and such in the fridge. His response is almost always to walk away huffing mad and look for some chips or twinkies that his mom bought him or to text her and ask if she'll get him something to eat My husband just assumes it his given right to be served and fed when needed. Why? I would assume because whenever he was hungry his mommy just made him food. That is fine when you are little but come on, I wasn't even a teenager before I would say that I was hungry and if no one else was hungry but me, then I was reminded of where the tuna, lunch meat, soup, etc. was. That is part of growing up. Something my mother in law was to lazy to teach her own son. Now instead of having a child and a husband/partner to share the load and help me, I have two children to take care of and I hate to say it but my 1 year old has better manners than my "husband". Why? -Because I am not a lazy mother!.