Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Our Halloween

I hope everyone had a safe Halloween yesterday and survived any frustrating encounters they may have had with their mother in laws. I did have to see my MIL yesterday but thankfully there were no angry blowups. We had a fairly nice Halloween. I will admit she still annoyed me, but I think at this point her simply breathing is irritating at times-in other words she is going to annoy me no matter what she does probably.

We took our 1 year old trick or treating downtown yesterday afternoon. Our town holds a special trick or treating event downtown for young kids every year. The point is for little ones to be able to safely trick or treat in daylight with their parents around all of the downtown shops. We were about halfway through when it began getting really breezy and chilly. Our daughter was dressed as Dorothy from The Wizard of Oz, so she began shivering in her little "Dorothy" dress. We decided we wanted to hurry down the block and visit a friend and then call it a day.

First however, Jack's mom called and said that she and her oldest son, his girlfriend, and his two children wanted meet us and see our daughter's costume. So we stopped at a place on the sidewalk where we agreed to meet and we waited....and waited...and waited! We probably only waited for 15 or 20 minutes but that felt like a long time when we have a cold baby and the wind is blowing. I turned to Jack and told him how annoying I thought it was to see adults without children, trick or treating and taking candy. After all this is a special community event just for the younger children so I found it rude that some adults would even considering dressing up and taking candy that should be going out to small children-especially when I kept hearing businesses say that they were running out of candy. So as we stood there waiting for Jack's family I mentioned my frustration with the adults to Jack. Not even five minutes later down the sidewalk came Jack's mom-carrying a trick or treat bucket. When she got down to us she proudly showed us her bucket and said she was trick or treating and getting candy too! Sigh. Oh well other than that, it was a fantastic day!